About Us

My name is Jay Jeremial Murphy-Widman, the CEO of SIKComicZ.
I created SIKComicZ because I wanted to make a new era of Comics and eventually anime,
creating something centered around new ideas of storytelling and unique characters with history
and culture.
So who am I? I am many things: A Man who served his country, a Brother, a creator, a person who dreams big, a son, a mentor and a friend.
But to SIKComicZ I am a comic artist, comic writer, and graphic designer. I do graphic design
work for those who commission me to help bring their ideas to life using my skills. When I’m not
doing commission work I am working on my independent comic and various own designs and
I was born and raised in North Philadelphia where most of my story takes place. Philadelphia is
a lovely city that has inspired many of my stories and characters. After I turned 18 I left home to
travel and see the world. My travels took me to many places such as Japan, Spain, Bahrain,
Morocco, Singapore, etc. These places inspired many chapters of my story and I hope that
through my work I can inspire many more